Jess Renzi’s transformation from Blogger to Business Owner After a year of blogging, Jess Renzi was stuck. She knew she could help people. She knew she had information they needed. And she knew she had the potential to turn her knowledge into a profitable business. But how? After being referred to the Blog Smarter program by a friend-of-a-friend, […]
Continue readingTake a fistful of warm spaghetti noodles out of the pot. Bend your elbow, cock that arm behind your head, and LET ‘ER FLY. Splat against the wall. :: If that sounds unsanitary, it IS…but people do it. Why? To test whether the spaghetti is cooked — to see if what they were trying to […]
Continue readingYou already know you’re working too much. That little “hobby blog” turned into Gol-dang-zilla the moment you decided to make money from it. The posting. The planning. The social media free-for-all. …and that’s why you need to see what happened to Leslie. About 15 months ago, Leslie made some powerful changes on her blog, and […]
Continue readingONE MILLION DOLLARS. That’s how much money most folks think they want to make with their blogs. Sure, it starts out simply enough. Y’know, follow a basic tutorial on “how to start your blog” and actually blog from the heart when you first start out. But as soon as you paste some ad code in […]
Continue readingWARNING. There’s a silent killer prowling your website. It starts out as a simple oversight — something you forgot to add when setting up your mailing list. But as your traffic grows, the effects of this disease multiply. This condition often goes undetected for years…because you THINK it’s “taken care of” (you have a pop-up, […]
Continue readingJet off to any blogging conference, and you’ll see the same thing: A sea of bloggers clad in Professionally Feminine tops (forget the fact that they were in yoga pants and a ratty old t-shirt just 24 hours ago). Elevator pitches at the very tips of their tongues, poised like a skydiver with the plane […]
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