Take a fistful of warm spaghetti noodles out of the pot. Bend your elbow, cock that arm behind your head, and LET ‘ER FLY. Splat against the wall. :: If that sounds unsanitary, it IS…but people do it. Why? To test whether the spaghetti is cooked — to see if what they were trying to […]
Continue readingJet off to any blogging conference, and you’ll see the same thing: A sea of bloggers clad in Professionally Feminine tops (forget the fact that they were in yoga pants and a ratty old t-shirt just 24 hours ago). Elevator pitches at the very tips of their tongues, poised like a skydiver with the plane […]
Continue readingWant to hear something disturbing? It’s the cry of anguish that goes out every time Pinterest changes its algorithm, and it sounds like this: WHY MEEEEEEEE? It reminds you of Nancy Kerrigan after she got taken out at the knees by one of Tonya Harding’s thugs before the 1994 Olympics…unless it doesn’t remind you of […]
Continue readingIf you’ve been struggling to build your subscriber list – despite focusing on serving the needs of one specific reader – despite asking the #1 question that will gain you a loyal following – despite dishing out the best content you can… You’re probably making a mistake that is going to cripple your ability to […]
Continue readingWhen I was in college, I had a professor who was fresh out of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (better known as MIT) and in his first year of teaching. He was a brilliant linguist – a genius if ever there was one – but his first semester teaching undergrads at B.U. wasn’t going so […]
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