In five seconds, I can take the pulse of your blog using a little-known but crucial blogging metric. This one metric reveals whether you’ll succeed – or if you’re in danger of: Hitting a plateau, Falling victim to the latest social media or Google algorithm change, or Burning out so thoroughly that you swear off […]
Continue readingIf you’ve been struggling to build your subscriber list – despite focusing on serving the needs of one specific reader – despite asking the #1 question that will gain you a loyal following – despite dishing out the best content you can… You’re probably making a mistake that is going to cripple your ability to […]
Continue readingWhen I was in college, I had a professor who was fresh out of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (better known as MIT) and in his first year of teaching. He was a brilliant linguist – a genius if ever there was one – but his first semester teaching undergrads at B.U. wasn’t going so […]
Continue readingDoes this sound like you or someone you know? “I’ve been writing on my blog for a year now and only have 32 followers. …and 14 of them are my family.” “I write on my blog 3x a week but people who find my blog don’t stay!” “Why does nobody leave a comment on my […]
Continue readingWelcome back to Photoshop Elements for Bloggers! In the last lesson, you learned how to add text to your photos with the goal of creating Pinnable images for your blog. In this lesson, I’m going to share how you can create a brush in Elements to watermark your photos and protect them from theft. Forget […]
Continue readingHave you ever looked at the pile of dishes in the sink, the paw prints on the floor, and your ever-growing mountain of laundry and thought to yourself, “How will I ever find the time to blog?!” Sure, there are people who are professional bloggers, who lock themselves away all day and do nothing but […]
Continue readingOr, Avoiding Your Worst Nightmare This afternoon I got a phone call from my good friend and colleague Emily White. It went something like this: [Me] Hey, how’s it going? [Emily] Um…my site is gone. [Me] Like, it’s not loading? Sometimes that happens. Just wait a couple of hours and check back. [Emily] No, as […]
Continue readingLast Thursday I got an email from a blogging client and friend. It read, “I have a situation where somebody has already stolen a photo from my web store. What should I do about it? There is no question it’s my photo.” Cathy had followed a pin on Pinterest that featured her photo…but ended up […]
Continue readingTo truly connect with your readers and build a community around your blog, you’ll need to do it with your own voice, your own style, in your own way…and with your readers in mind. If you’ve been blogging for awhile, chances are, your writing has taken lots of twists and turns. But now is the […]
Continue readingIf you’ve been reading blogs for awhile, you’ve probably noticed that some people have their picture next to the comments they leave. How do they get those snazzy photos up there? They have a Gravatar. Gravatar is a free service that will automatically add your profile picture to comments, discussion forums, and other places around […]
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